Water Storage Tanks

Water storage tanks: You’ll need a safe container in which to store it. The general guideline is to use food-grade plastic water storage tanks as long as they haven’t stored non-food items or chemicals. Stainless steel is another option, but you won’t be able to treat your stored water with chlorine, as it corrodes steel.

Under ideal circumstances, municipal water can be stored inside a water storage tank for extended periods of time due to the fact that it is chlorinated. To keep your water fresh, however, it is recommended to rotate the water every two weeks.  Rainwater that has been properly purified (i.e. UV, Ozone, chemical) can be stored indefinitely as long as it is stored properly in an airtight container or system (i.e. pressure tank and piping).

It is important to clean your water storage tank on a regular basis, about once a year is best. … Tanks need be regularly cleaned, but unfortunately many people do not know how to keep water storage tanks clean. Over time sludge or sediment may build up, which can contaminate your water and cause illness.

Water storage tanks does not cause any damage to the water; the quality of the incoming water however may well be an issue. Please remember that water collected from the roof of a building will not be clean. If in emergencies you need to drink the water from the tank, it must be purified.

Large rainwater tanks may seem expensive to install, but they last a long time. All the water you collect once installed is also free to use – so you can save money in the long term. … Every time the price of your mains water supply up, you will save even more with a rainwater system.

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